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  • Writer's pictureElysse Du Chateau

A Guide to Preparing for Your Outdoor Family Photography Session

Family photography

Are you getting ready for a memorable outdoor family photography session? As a newborn and family photographer, I understand the importance of capturing your family's special moments in a beautiful outdoor setting. To ensure that your photoshoot goes smoothly and that you get the best results, there are a few key steps you can take to prepare. In this guide, I will walk you through how to prepare for a family session outdoors and the best times to schedule your photoshoot.

1. Choosing the Right Location:

Selecting the perfect outdoor location for your family photoshoot is crucial in achieving stunning and timeless images. Consider the natural scenery, lighting, and overall vibe of the location when making your decision. Whether it's a local park, a lush garden, a beach, or a picturesque trail, choose a location that reflects your family's personality and style.

2. Coordinating Outfits:

Coordinate your family’s outfits to create a cohesive and visually appealing look in your photos. Opt for colors and patterns that complement each other and avoid loud or distracting clothing. Neutral colors, pastels, and earth tones often work well in outdoor settings and can help create a harmonious and balanced look.

3. Timing is Key:

The best times to shoot outdoor family photos are usually during the golden hours, which occur shortly after sunrise and before sunset. The soft, warm light during these times creates a flattering and magical glow in your photos. Avoid scheduling your photoshoot during midday, as the harsh sunlight can cast unflattering shadows and cause squinting.

4. Weather Considerations:

Keep an eye on the weather forecast leading up to your outdoor family photoshoot. While a sunny day can provide beautiful lighting, overcast skies can also create a soft and diffused light that is ideal for photography. Be prepared for unexpected weather changes by bringing along umbrellas, jackets, or blankets.

5. Be Flexible and Have Fun:

Lastly, remember that family photoshoots are a time to bond, have fun, and create lasting memories with your loved ones. Be open to trying different poses, interacting naturally with each other, and embracing the beauty of the outdoors. Trust your photographer to capture the authentic and heartfelt moments that make your family unique.

By following these tips and preparing for your outdoor family photoshoot in advance, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable experience that results in stunning and timeless images. Embrace the beauty of the outdoors, enjoy the precious moments with your family, and let your photographer capture the magic of your family bond in a natural and authentic way.

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My Little Love Photography

Newborn & Family photography

© 2024 by My Little Love Photography

My Little Love Photography is based in Meridian Idaho. Located at 2985 S Meridian Rd Suite 120, Meridian, ID 83642. Specializing in newborn photography and family photography

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